One of the most popular trends in outdoor light fixtures is solar yard lights. These are different from regular yard lights because they use the sun's energy to power them. Solar yard lights come in a variety of styles and sizes, so you can find one that will work for your home or business. In this blog post, we'll discuss how these exactly work.
A solar light consists of the following components: the solar photovoltaic (PV) panel, battery, control electronics and the light fixture.
Solar lights work because of the photovoltaic effect. The most important part of a solar light is the photovoltaic or solar cell. The solar cell is the part that converts sunlight into a direct electrical current. You can clearly see the solar cell as a dark panel at the top of a solar light. The rays of light that pass through the crystal layers in a solar cell create an electric current. This flow may be used for power generation or storage, with some batteries being able to store more energy than others depending on their composition and design.
The process in simple steps
During the day, sunlight strikes the solar cells. The electrons start moving, which generates electricity
Electricity is transmitted to the battery, which recharges the battery
The controller regulates the flow of current, preventing the battery from over-charging or over-heating
When the sun goes down, the receptor responds to the changed lighting conditions
The light bulb is activated, drawing power from the battery
Over the night, the battery powers the light bulb and is slowly drained of energy
The controller prevents the battery from discharging too much energy at night
The next day the cycle starts all over again.
What are the benefits of solar lights?
Environmentally friendly: Reduces indoor air pollution (if you replace kerosene or candles) and your carbon footprint
Cost savings: No money toward expensive fuel sources or battery replacements
Safety: Less risks of fires and burns
During the winter, however, a solar light might not be able to receive enough sunlight to charge the battery sufficiently to stay lit all night.